Cafe Imports ED+U
Cafe Imports ED+U

coffee is:

a six part series

The first series of classes, coffee is, examines essential concepts from key steps in the supply chain. It’s a seed-to-cup journey that expands our definition and appreciation of all that coffee is. View each part and its materials below. 

The materials included with each class are a downloadable presentation, lesson plan, and a recorded live session.

part 1

coffee is: a plant

we will learn:

  • coffee taxonomy + anatomy
  • differences between C. arabica + C. canephora
  • C. arabica’s speciation, expansion + problem
  • four major C. arabica variety groups
  • characteristics of coffee’s habitat
  • where coffee is produced + imported
  • the importance of expanding our definition of coffee

part 2

coffee is: agriculture

we will learn:

  • statistical scope of coffee production
  • fundamental ecological factors
  • stages of coffee growth + production
  • essential yearly production tasks
  • five coffee farming systems
  • environmental pressures on coffee production

part 3

coffee is: a process

we will learn:

  • essential steps of washed, honey, and natural processes.
  • what fermentation is and the key variables involved
  • fermentation points within washed, honey, and natural processes
  • methods, materials and impact of coffee drying
  • basic milling steps and their importance

upcoming live classes

register for monthly ed+u live classes


There are no prerequisites to attending a class, but we recommend taking them in order.  

We also recommend attending a “for students” version of a class before attending the trainers version. 

for students 

A standard-format class presentation with open Q&A. 

part 3

coffee is: a process

for trainers 

An open-discussion class that provides trainers the tools to teach the class themselves. 

“For Trainers” courses are taking a break for now.

All classes are hosted on Microsoft Teams. Join from your browser or download the app. 

Some classes may not be taught every month. Send scheduling requests to 

about ed+u

ed+u by Cafe Imports is an open-source coffee education platform for students and trainers. Our vision is to create a robust, up-to-date, fact-based curriculum that dives into each supply chain step. For new coffee professionals and enthusiasts, we hope to provide a clear route for quickly growing your coffee knowledge. For seasoned professionals, a source for strengthening your training program and teaching skillset.  

Classes are released as they’re prepared and updated regularly based on feedback, newfound information, or to be more user-friendly. The release materials for each class include: 

  • Live and recurring webinars taught by Dylan Siemens, Head of Education. 
  • Recordings of past live webinars hosted on this webpage and YouTube. 
  • Live and recurring “For Trainers” webinars designed to give educators the tools to teach the class by walking through the lesson plan.  
  • A downloadable Presentation file in .ppt and .pdf format. 
  • A downloadable Lesson Plan outlining the presentation in .docx or .pdf format. 


How are the classes created?
  1. The class objectives are established, and research is conducted by reviewing scholarly articles, studies, and books. Some classes warrant traveling to producing countries or interviewing subject matter experts. Individuals who are consulted are often affiliated with or suppliers to Cafe Imports. 
  2. Organize the gathered information into a written lesson plan structured on the class objectives. 
  3. Gather supporting media, including photos, videos, and art from research travel, cited works, Cafe Imports’ digital library, and in-house designers. Class presentations are created in PowerPoint.   
  4. Class materials are peer-reviewed and fact-checked by stakeholders like the Cafe Imports executive team and experts who contributed to the class. 

Classes are written, and creation is directed by Dylan Siemens, Head of Education. 

How can I use the class materials?

These classes are open-access, meaning you can use the materials however you need. We ask that you credit Cafe Imports as the source if you use the information, art, or files.  

Education is a pillar of our company mission, and we believe the industry is made stronger when all have access to educational resources.   

Thorough coffee education is often behind a paywall or given by an employer. Creating a training curriculum is time and resource-intensive for a company. We hope ed+u raises the quality and accessibility of coffee education for individuals and companies. 

How do I take the classes?

Individual classes are typically released as part of a class series, labeled Part 1, and so on. We recommend taking classes in order. 

  • Live Classes: This is the best format for taking a class. Subscribe to the ed+u newsletter or follow Cafe Imports on Instagram to be notified of new live classes. All live classes are listed on this webpage with registration links. Registration is free.  
  • Live classes are hosted monthly. Older classes may not be offered as often as newer ones. Classes are scheduled to accommodate time zones across the US, Europe, and Australia. Send scheduling requests to 
  • Classes are hosted on Microsoft Teams. Download the app on your computer or mobile device for a better viewing experience and more platform features.  
  • Past recordings of live classes are hosted on this webpage and the Cafe Imports YouTube channel. To read the material, view or download the Presentation and Lesson Plan. 
  • Cited works are listed, categorized, and linked in each class’ Lesson Plan. We recommend viewing cited works to learn more about a topic. 
Are private or in-person sessions offered?

If you’d like to schedule a private session, email 

get in touch!

ed+u is a product of collaboration – a place for learning, teaching, and growing together.  

Please email us with any feedback, ideas, or questions at