ASOPCP - Planadas (GrainPro)

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ASOCANAFI consists of 480 hectares, with 347 hectares dedicated to coffee production.The farmland shares its climate with the neighboring national park, Nevado del Huila, 40% of which is owned by ASOCANAFI.

Harvest at ASOCANAFI is from May to June, and November to December. Coffee is depulped with a traditional depulper and zaranda (a mesh screen used after depulping to separate low-quality beans), fermented dry, and dried in parabolic dryers and casas elba (a sun dryer with retractable roof, normally built on top of the producer's house or on a separate lot) for eight to ten days.

ASOCANAFI comprises mostly indigenous coffee-growing families (from the native group Nasa We'sx), averaging three to four members and 50 years of coffee-growing experience apiece.

ID# 8126

Origin Colombia
Region La Palmera, Planadas, Tolima
Variety Red Bourbon, Yellow Bourbon, Castillo, Caturra, Variedad Colombia, F6, Typica
Altitude 1500–2100 masl
Proc. Method Fully Washed
