Buenos Aires Smallholders - Washed (GrainPro)

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High up on the north face of Volcán de Santa Ana, Buenos Aires is one of the best best coffee areas of El Salvador. It's a tight-knit community where farmers help to harvest each other's cherries.

The Rio Zarco mill receives beans from more than 80 Buenos Aires farmers, from which they sort for quality from farms starting at 1,450 meters up to 1,740 meters. Blended together, these quality coffees become our Buenos Aires community lots.

For more information about coffee production in El Salvador, visit our El Salvador Origin Page.

ID# 10749

Origin El Salvador
Region Volcán de Santa Ana
Farm Various smallholder farmers from the Buenos Aires community
Altitude 1450–1740 masl
Proc. Method Washed

The Cup

"Almond, chocolate, citric and sweet."
