Finca Divina Providencia - Honey (GrainPro)

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Driving up to the Buenos Aires coffee region of Volcán de Santa Ana a few years ago, we ran into "El Profesor" coming down the mountain. He teaches social studies at the Buenos Aires school and has one of the best-kept farms in the area. Walking around with him, we saw Typica, Yellow Bourbon and Catimor growing among the Red Bourbons on his farm, Finca Divina Providencia; he's also planting Pacamara and Kenya variety.

With the Rio Zarco mill, El Profesor is processing his coffees in a variety of ways, including this Honey and a Natural, as well as separating out his special varieties.

For more information about coffee production in El Salvador, visit our El Salvador Origin Page.

ID# 10755

Origin El Salvador
Region Volcán de Santa Ana
Farm Finca Divina Providencia
Altitude 1570 masl
Proc. Method Honey

The Cup

"Chocolate, toffee and lemon flavor with a nutty aftertaste; sweet and citric."
