Miguel Angel Clemente - Finca San Miguel - Red Bourbon/Kenya - Honey (GrainPro)

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Miguel Angel Clemente - Finca San Miguel - Red Bourbon/Kenya - Honey (GrainPro)

Miguel Ángel Fuentes's farm, San Miguel, is planted with 2 manzanas of coffee, mostly Bourbon variety, with about a quarter-manzana of Kenya variety. There are shade trees planted around Don Miguel's coffee.

Coffee was first cultivated in El Salvador in the 19th century, and it its beginnings it was only for domestic consumption. In the middle on the century, the government encouraged the people giving tax breaks, exemption from military service for coffee workers and elimination of export duties for new producers. By 1880, coffee was an exportable product and was becoming more important to the economy.

Coffee production flourished throughout the 20th century, reaching its peak in the late 1970s. By 1980, coffee was responsible for the 50% of the gross domestic product. The civil war of 1980 affected the production of coffee and the production was decreased.

Ending the civil war, Salvadorian producers started investing on technology in the farms, and also new coffee varieties were planted and the Institution of Coffee was created. All of these important factors, helped to develop the coffee industry. In the following years, coffee production becamean important economic factor in El Salvador.

The coffee of El Salvador is known for its old-growth heirloom Bourbon variety, which was first cultivated in the early 1800s. El Salvador, compared to its counterparts in the region, has preserved a substantial amount of Bourbon varieties due to the civil war: During the war years, while other countries were introducing Catimors and Catimor hybrids, El Salvador's attention was elsewhere, and the heirloom varieties remained. Farms now have old-stock Bourbon trees (as old as 50–80 years old in extreme cases).

—Piero Cristiani

ID# 9634

Origin El Salvador
Region Buenos Aires, Chalchuapa, Santa Ana
Farm Finca San Miguel
Variety Bourbon, Kenya
Altitude 1500–1600 masl
Proc. Method Honey