Murray Cooper - Caturra (GrainPro)

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Murray Cooper owns the 27-hectare farm Firefly near the town of Pichincha, Ecuador. The farm is in the mountainous Choco biogeographical region, and the volcanic soil is ideal for coffee there.

Coffee on Firefly farm is picked ripe and depulped the same day before being fermented dry for 18–20 hours. Murray uses a demucilaging machine to remove the fruit material from the beans, then starts the drying process on raised beds, finishing it with mechanical dryers. All in all it takes 20–25 days to dry the coffee for export.

For more information about coffee production in Ecuador, visit our Ecuador Origin Page.

ID# 11539

Origin Ecuador
Region Pichincha, Caragena, Nanegal
Farm Firelfly
Variety Caturra
Altitude 1520 masl
Proc. Method Washed
Harvest Schedule July– September

The Cup

"Balanced and sweet with tart citric acidity and a delicate mouthfeel; lots of floral flavor with honeysuckle, toffee, lemon and lime."
