Natural - Finca Chelin - Enrique Lopez - Best of Oaxaca #1 (GrainPro)

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This coffee took 1st place at the 2015 Best of Oaxaca cupping competition.

We have carried Oaxacan coffee off and on. Ten years ago, we used to buy some excellent coffee from this region: big body, dark chocolate, with a powerful acidity. This year (2015) we have started to look again, and hope to bring you some great coffees. Coffee in this region is grown between 800–1800 masl.

Oaxaca has 16 different indigenous groups, which have preserved their culture and traditions. This is in part due to the rugged and isolated geography of the state. It is also considered one of the three most biologically diverse states in the country of Mexico.

For more information on coffee production in Mexico, visit our Mexico origin page.

ID# 8067

Origin Mexico
Region Candelaria Loxicha, Sierra Sur
Farm Finca Chelin
Variety Typica, Mundo Novo, Caturra, Bourbon
Altitude 1400 masl
Proc. Method Natural
