Pulped Natural - José Antonio Pereira Carneiro- Fazenda Serrado - Carmo de Minas (GrainPro)

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Fazenda Serrado—not to be confused with another Brazilian coffee-growing region, Cerrado— is a 32-hectare farm that is planted in Yellow Bourbon, Yellow Catucai, Icatu, Acaia, and Mundo Novo varieties.

This is a microlot selected out by one of the estate's co-owners and a patriarch of the Pereira family, José Antonio Pereira Carneiro.

For more infromation about coffee production in Brazil, visit our Brazil Origin Page.

ID# 11408

Origin Brazil
Region Carmo de Minas, Minas Gerais
Farm Fazenda Serrado
Variety Acaia, Yellow and Red Bourbon, Catuai, Catucai, Mundo Novo
Altitude 1150–1200 masl
Proc. Method Pulped Natural

The Cup

"Very chocolatey with almond, raisin and cocoa flavor; sweet and clean with a creamy mouthfeel."
