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ASPROGUATE is an organization which represents 150 smallholder producers from Cobán and Acatenango, and is committed to allowing small landholders better access to the international coffee market, with potential for growth.

ASPROGUATE's Acatenango partners produce upwards of 1,000 bags of coffee a year in nutrient-dense volcanic soil. The coffee farms are located as high as 2,000 masl, and the region's distinct seasons allow for sun-drying along with traditional and artisanal processing methods. In the more rainforest-like climate of Cobán, the coffee grows in soils rich with limestone and clay: The two communities which comprise ASPROGUATE's Coban representation are in Seacal and San Cirstobal, producing 1,650 and 1,375 bags each, respectively.

For more information about coffee production in Guatemala, visit our Guatemala page.

ID# 13443

Origin Guatemala
Region San Martin Jilotepeque, Acatenango, Chimaltenango
Farm 150 smallholder members of ASPROGUATE
Variety Bourbon, Caturra, Catuai
Altitude 1800–2100 masl
Proc. Method Washed

The Cup

"Mild and citric with almond and peanut flavors."
