Origin Select - PROCAFEM - Chiapas - FLO ID 20536 - (CBC MX-BIO-104)

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PROCAFEM stands for Productores de Café de Motozintla, and is an organization founded in 2002 by 20 societies from 10 communities within the municipality of Motozintla, in Chiapas, with a total founding membership of 257 producers. Today, PROCAFEM has nearly 350 members, and seeks to continue growing and expanding its mission of producing high-quality coffee with a focus on preserving the environment in and around Motozintla.

The area of Siera Madre de Chiapas where these smallholder farms are located is home to a wide variety of native plants and animals, and in order to protect the oak-pine forest, ferns, cypress, and various animals who live among these and many other species of plants, the farmers are dedicated to growing and processing their coffee organically. Many of the farmer members are also Mayan-Quiché by heritage and custom, and use traditional methods as well as innovative organic husbandry to tend to their farms.

PROCAFEM provides its members with training and technical assistance, as well as financial management support.

This coffee was selected by cup quality and sent for Mountain water Process decaffeination by Cafe Imports. We are pleased to offer this lot as an Origin Select decaf.

For more information about coffee production in Mexico, visit our Mexico Origin Page.

ID# 10239

Origin Mexico
Region Motozintla, Sierra Madre de Chiapas
Farm Various smallholder farmer members of PROCAFEM
Altitude 1300 masl
Proc. Method Washed, Mountain Water Process Decaffeinated

The Cup

"Graham, citrus and bran."
