Rianjagi - Rianjagi F.C.S - Embu - AA (Grainpro)

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Rianjagi factory is owned and operated by the Rianjagi Farmers Cooperative Society, which was built in 1950 and currently has just over 1,500 member farmers. The co-op is managed by a board of five elected representatives, one for each of the elecoral zones in the area. The co-op also has a permanent staff of eight who are overseen by a secretary manager.

Coffee is delivered by local farmers the day that it's picked, and is sorted for quality at the mill before being depulped and processed. After depulping, the coffee is fermented overnight and washed with fresh river water, then placed on dryiing tables.

For more information about coffee production in Kenya, visit our Kenya Origin Page.

ID# 11982

Origin Kenya
Region Ngandori, Manyatta, Embu
Farm 1,516 smallholder members of Rianjagi Farmers Cooperative Society
Variety SL-28, SL-34, Ruiru 11, Batian
Altitude 1605–1625 masl
Proc. Method Washed
Harvest Schedule October– December (main crop); April– May (fly crop)

The Cup

"Brown sugar, berry and stone fruit flavors; sweet with tartaric acidity and a creamy mouthfeel."
