We’re in coffee for the coffee, of course, but maybe even more so, we’re in coffee for the coffee people. Maybe our favorite day of the year is the one where we look back at all the @cafeimports tagged Instagram photos that our friends, customers, producing and export partners, collaborators, heroes, and extended specialty-coffee family have posted—they’re like postcards from around the world, saying hello and spreading the love. It’s practically impossible for us to pick our favorites, but we came up with a collection that reminds us that the work we do is for you out there, and we feel connected to you through the coffees that we share together.
All of us at Cafe Imports (USA, Australia, and Europe) wish you all a wonderful new year full of exciting flavors, fascinating discoveries, new friendships (and solid old ones), perfectly extracted espressos, and many meaningful conversations held over cups of delicious coffee.
Keep brewing what you brew, and happy 2018!