AA Muchagara - Rainforest Alliance (GrainPro)

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The farmers of the Baragwi Farmers Cooperative Society first planted their coffee trees in 1952. The Co-op now looks after 16,000 Farmers across 12 factories. The Co-ops day to day is overseen by a 9 member elected board, each represents an electoral zone in the two locations their coffee is grown/processed in. The Coop has 153 permanent staff members who help facilitate harvest, reception and processing. The Co-op averages 2.5million kgs of Cheery annually.

Mushangara alone has 1373 active members, producing an average of 300,000 kg cherry annually. Farmers here have slightly larger than average farms with 400 trees per head on .3 of a hectare.

Factories: Mushangara, Kagongo, Rwambiti, Karumandi, Nyanja, Kianyaga, Guama, Gachami, Kianjiru, Kariru, Githiururi and Thimu.

Flowering: Main crop- April and Fly crop- October

Average Rainfall: 1400 -1700 mm per year. Early crop depends on short rains that come between October – November. Main crop receives adequate rain between April to June.

Temperature Range: 17 – 25 Degree Celsius

Soils: Deep red volcanic soils

Average Farm Size: 0.3 Ha - 400 trees per farm

Certification Body: Rainforest Alliance

ID# 7807

Origin Kenya
Region Gichugu Division, Kirinyaga East District
Farm 1416 Baragwi farmers
Variety SL 28, SL 34, Ruiru 11 and Batian
Altitude 1550 - 1750 masl
Proc. Method Washed
