Asocampo Cascajal - Timana (GrainPro)

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Timana is a small, coffee-centric town on the road between Neiva and Pitalito in the department of Huila, Colombia. The people of Timana have historically been revered as extremely hard-working and passionate beings, especailly when it comes to coffee production. The standard process for coffees in this area is a typical full-ripe harvest, an immediate pulp, 12-24 hour fermentation, and multiple washings before beings placed in parabolic dryers.

For more information on Colombia coffee, visit our Colombia origin page.

ID# 8114

Origin Colombia
Region San Antonio, Timana, Huila
Farm Buena Vista
Variety Caturra
Altitude 1580 masl
Proc. Method Fully Washed and Dried in Parabolic Driers
