ASOCAMPO - San Antonio - Timana - Huila (GrainPro)

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Timana is a small, coffee-centric town on the road between Neiva and Pitalito in the department of Huila, Colombia. The people of Timana have historically been revered as extremely hard-working and passionate beings, especailly when it comes to coffee production. The standard process for coffees in this area is a typical full-ripe harvest, an immediate pulp, 12-24 hour fermentation, and multiple washings before beings placed in parabolic dryers.

Regional Select is a new project we are creating in Colombia meant to highlight the unique profiles we have found that are inherent in specific microregions within Colombia. The regions we will begin highlighting to start are Huila, Narino, Cauca and Tolima.

We think that the terroir or soil, sun, weather, and placement on the planet contribute largely to the flavor of these coffees when picked ripe and handled properly. So these coffees are selected by cup and then blended together like a Rhone wine or a local honey that comes from many fields in a 4-mile radius.

For more information on Colombia coffee, visit our Colombia origin page.

ID# 8701

Origin Colombia
Region San Antonio, Timana, Huila
Variety Caturra
Altitude 1600-1800 masl
Proc. Method Fully Washed and Dried in Parabolic Driers
