Carmo Best Cup #15 - Jesimar Oliveira Sandi - Sitio São Joaquim - Conceição das Pedras - Yellow Catuaí - Natural (GrainPro)

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Jesmiar Sandi owns and runs Sitio São Joaquim, a 67-hectare farm he inheredited from his grandfather and father before him. The first seedlings were planted on Sitio São Joaquim in 1953, and coffee has been a big part of the family business since then; it is their primary source of income and has allowed Jesimar's children to pursue their education and maintain a good standard of living. After Jesimar lost a son to an accident, he almost lost his love for farming and considered stepping away from Sitio São Joaquim. Instead, he refocused his energy and decided to devote himself to high-quality coffee. As a result, he was encouraged to send his coffee to the Cup of Excellence compeition in 2012, and to his own surprise he took first place, with an incredible score of 92 points.

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ID# 11367

Origin Brazil
Region Conceiçao das Pedras, Carmo de Minas, Minas Gerais
Farm Sitio São Joaquim
Variety Yellow Catuai
Altitude 1200–1450 masl
Proc. Method Natural

The Cup

"Dark chocolate and toffee with berry, lemon and praline almond flavors; soft and sweet with big fruit acidity and a thick mouthfeel."
