Cauca - Mauricio Mesa (GrainPro)

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Mauricio Mesa has been producing coffee on his farm, El Bolo, for four years. The farmland is 8 hectares, of which 1 hectare is planted with 6,200 coffee trees.

The harvest season at El Bolo is from May to June, with a picking cycle every 15 days. Mauricio uses a traditional depulper, ferments the coffee dry for 17 to 18 hours, and washes the coffee five to six times. The coffee is then dried in a parbolic dryer for 8 to 15 days. Coffee is stored in sacks on wooden pallets for 15 days until it is brought to the dry mill.

In 2014 Mauricio was a finalist in Café Imports first Cauca Best Cup competition. Since the competition, Mr. Mesa has been regarded as a top producer in the region, which undoubtedly carried through to his next harvest, in 2015, where Mauricio took #7 at Cauca Best Cup.

For more information on coffee production in Colombia, visit our Colombia origin page.

ID# 8103

Origin Colombia
Region Sabanetas, El Tambo, Cauca
Farm El Bolo
Variety Castillo, Variedad Colombia, F6
Altitude 1500 masl
Proc. Method Fully Washed and Dried in Parabolic Driers
