El Profesor - Divina Providencia - Honey (GrainPro) (Europe)

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Driving up to the Buenos Aires coffee region of Volcan de Santa Ana we ran into El Profesor coming down the mountain. He teaches social studies at the Buenos Aires school and has one of the best kept farms in the area. Walking around with him, we saw Typica, Yellow Bourbon and Catimor growing among the Red Bourbons; he's also planting Pacamara and Kenya.

Luckily, Rio Zarco already processes most of his beans and this year he's separating his Typica and Yellow Bourbons from his larger Red Bourbon lot.

We're thinking they'll make great honey processed espresso!

ID# 6246

Origin El Salvador
Region Volcán de Santa Ana
Variety Typica, Bourbon, Catimor, Pacamara & Kenya
Altitude 1570 to
Proc. Method Honey
