Fabian Lomas - Typica (GrainPro)

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Finca Las Cinco may also be referred to "Perla Chiquita", the farm consists of 5 hectares, which is where it gets the "Las Cinco" name.

Fabian Lomas’ coffees have been an incredible champion on our cupping table, full of wild flavors that we have truly not experienced in coffee before.

In 2014, Cafe Imports sponsored the World Aeropress Championship by supplying the competion coffee....when faced with the decision on what coffee to use, Las Cinco was a no-brainer.

Read this blog post from Café Imports' Joe Marrocco about the roasting process for the Las Cinco competition coffee.

For more information about coffee production in Ecuador, visit our Ecuador origin page.

ID# 8268

Origin Ecuador
Region Nanegal, Pichincha (Northern Ecuador)
Farm Las Cinco
Variety Typica
Altitude 1350 masl
Proc. Method Fully washed and sun dried
