Francisco Cardona Martín - Finca La Colmenita (GrainPro)

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This coffee comes to us courtesy of Francisco Cardona Martín of Buena Vista, Guatemala, a small municipality located in the Huehuetenango region. His farm, Finca La Colmenita, is a 100 cuerda parcel of Arabica, Caturra, Pache Rojo, and Catauí varieties that employs a total of six other people. La Colmenita was purchased in 2002 and with over 95% of the land planted in coffee, the farm averages an annual production of 150 quintales. When it comes to harvesting and processing the coffees, Francisco had developed the following technique:

Coffee is harvested ripe by hand and depulped on the same day. Once depulped, the coffee undergoes a wet fermentation lasting for an average of 18 to 24 hours before being thoroughly washed and moved to the patio for drying. The drying process can take upwards of two weeks, weather depending. The coffee is moved consistently while on the patio to ensure even drying.

As for the future, Francisco plants to seek further technical understanding of the varieties he is working with as well as improve soil quality.

For more information on Guatemalan coffee, visit our Guatemala origin page.

ID# 9597

Origin Guatemala
Region Huehuetenango
Farm La Colmenita
Variety Arabica, Caturra, Pache Rojo, Catuaí
Altitude 1700 masl
Proc. Method Washed
