Pulped Natural - Fazenda Beneficio Presente Do Sol - Yellow Catuai (GrainPro)

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Producer: Jorge Bueno da Silva

Farm Area: 30 hectares, 25 hectares planted in coffee

Varieties: Yellow and Red Catuai

Other Crops: Banana, beans, and cassava

Jorge says that his life is all about simplicity and hard work. He recalls that his very first conquest after starting in the coffee business was his green Volkswagen Beetle, bought in the '60s, and it is still with him: “I’ll never give up on this car. He is my lucky charm and my lifetime motorized love. My kids have learned how to drive in it and I hope I can teach my grandsons too, so they all can keep loving my little treasure.”

"For my future, I hope that I can buy a home in the city where I can spend my free time with my grandsons more frequently. This is quality of life for me: working for a lifetime on what I love and spending quality time with my beloved relatives. And by spreading all this love, I’m pretty sure that I’ll see the kids growing with the same passion for coffee that I have.” — Jorge (Ivo) Bueno da Silva

The Mantiqueira microregion is home to over 2,000 smallholder coffee farmers with a quality potential that urges to be explored. Our exporting partners at CarmoCoffees recognized this potential and decided to build two strategically placed mills (called "beneficios") with washing and processing capabilities, strategically selected for their accessibility to the region's coffee growers. Beneficio Pedra Branca is nestled in the Pedra Branca mountainside in Pedralva City, and the other, Beneficio Presente do Sol, is located in the city of Heliodora — both beneficios were farms managed by their former owners before joining CarmoCoffees.

Pedra Branca was the first of the beneficios, with CarmoCoffees partnership starting in 2012. Carmo bought the farm in 2013 making it part of their official structure. Following the same model, Present do Sol became part of CarmoCoffees in 2014.

The proximity of the beneficios enable the region's quality potential with accessibility to modern equipment for processing where there was otherwise a barrier to entry due to lack of knowledge, time, budget, infrastructure, and the price of labor involved with processing at a quality standard.

Beneficio Presente do Sol has nine mechanical dryers and covered patios. Beneficio Pedra Branca has eight mechanical dryers, covered patios, and three African drying beds. The production of both beneficios is at 50,000 bags annually.

For more information about coffee production in Brazil, visit our Brazil origin page.

ID# 8416

Origin Brazil
Region Lambari, Mantiqueira, Minas Gerais
Farm Sítio Capelinha
Variety Yellow Catuaí
Altitude 900–1200 masl
Proc. Method Pulped Natural
