SHG EP Consolapan (GrainPro)

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The Camberos family has owned this farm since about 1930, and they have always grown coffee alongside a small amount of sugar cane. Finca Consolopan sits at 1240 meters in the High Mountains region within Veracruz, and the land there is very fertile thanks to the high average annual rainfall. The family grows Typica, Mundo Novo, and Garnica under a generous shade cover to keep the trees healthy, and the farm's pickers are extremely disciplined, picking only the ripe coffee cherry.

The Camberos use a wet fermentation process, rinsing and soaking their coffee in rain water after washing off the mucilage; the coffee is then dried on raised beds in a totally organic process.

Since 2008, the farm's production has been advised by Carlos Sánchez of AMSA: The program includes tree management and pruning, renovation, shade management, clean and integrated pes control, and application of lime and soil fertilizer. There are no herbicides used on the farm.

This land and these producers create truly world-class coffee, and are just now beginning to be recognized for their quality.

ID# 7905

Origin Mexico
Region Veracruz
Farm Finca Consolopan
Variety Typica, Mundo Novo, Garnica
Altitude 1240 masl
Proc. Method Fully Washed, Soaked, and Dried on Raised Beds
