Wrapped & Strapped: A Year In Review

Posted on February 1st, 2008

If there’s one major takeaway that all of us at Cafe Imports have come to realize over the recent past, it’s this:


Coffee finds a way.

In times of both calm and calamity, we turn to coffee to encourage our creativity, to fuel our drive and passion, to keep us going, and to hold that space for the much-needed break throughout our days that would not be the same without a cup of specialty coffee.

But coffee doesn’t just find its way into our cups on its own. (Although, that would be pretty cool, and if anyone has a background in both magic and supply chain — please email us.)


It’s you that helps coffee find a way.

It’s the roasters and baristas of our world, that continue to make this possible.

It’s the fact that you wake up every day and choose to embrace adaptability and resiliency in the face of uncertainty as we continue to find innovative ways to build a better industry.


An industry that is determined to create a diverse marketplace representative of the many producers, associations and cooperatives working to cultivate the coffees that we all love.

An industry of people that pour their hearts into producing the best-possible coffees they can, many without knowing what that may be worth once it’s ready to be sold.

An industry that is focused on being there, lights on and coffee brewed, for the people in our own communities that could use a great cup of coffee every morning, more than we may realize.


One that is focused on asking the question: How can we do this better?”


This is not a new question to be asking ourselves at Cafe Imports, it’s actually one we’ve been asking since day 1.

It’s thanks to this question that we have been able to develop the many premium-driven programs that create a secure and unique marketplace for the producers through the coffees that we represent.

It’s thanks to the steadfast partnerships with you that we have the opportunity, privilege, and trusting support to continue this endless pursuit for the answer to our question:


“How can we do this better?”

As many of us are wrapping our heads around the future and asking ourselves this question, it’s always helpful to take account of the past.

Today, we are excited to announce something that we think is just plain fun as a thank-you for your continued partnership that celebrates the ways you’ve helped coffee find it’s way over the last year.

Cafe Imports Wrapped & Strapped — a year-in-review of the good you’ve supported through helping coffee find a way.

It’s available inside our Cafe Imports Customer Portal (if you don’t have an account, don’t worry — reach out to sales@cafeimports.com and we’ll get you set up).

We hope it inspires you to try new things, like sampling a different program coffee, supporting an origin that’s new to you, or maybe even learning magic and joining our supply-chain team.

Here’s to another year of working together to help great coffees find their way into our cups!

— The Cafe Imports Crew