We don’t know about you, but we’re getting a little lonely over here without seeing our coffee friends for the past—how many months now? Who’s counting?
Well, we’d like to find a way to safely get together and catch up, geek out, and continue to offer opportunities to learn and stay informed about what’s going on all around the caffeinated world. That’s why we’d like to invite you to join us for Cafe Imports Office Hours, a casual get-together on alternate Fridays where we’ll offer updates from our green buyers and producer partners, mini classes, interviews with industry luminaries, Q&A sessions, and the occasional good ol’ coffee break.
Office Hours are open for anyone to join, and will be hosted by our director of education Ever Meister and featuring guests from all over the coffee industry (and beyond). We’ll meet every other Friday at 10:30am CST on Zoom, where we’ll spend 30-40 minutes together. Drop in if you can, stay as long as you’re able, and don’t forget to grab yourself a coffee before signing in.
Zoom link: https://bit.ly/3iYjzW1
Meeting ID: 851 5627 4682
Passcode: cLeR9G
Have a suggestion for a future Office Hours? E-mail meister@cafeimports.com to let us know what you’d like to see on the schedule!