“Supremo” and “Excelso” are bean-size descriptors for exportable coffee from Colombia, not related to variety or cupping profile.

Supremo preparation means the coffee beans are sized on screen 17; Excelso preparation are beans smaller than Supremo.

Exceslo is different according to the destination where it is exported. There are four different types of Excelso coffee:

  • Type “Klauss”: screen 16.5 for Germany
  • “Europa”: screen 15 for France, Spain, and Italy. Tolerance: 2.5% of beans between screens 12 and 15
  • “Scandinavia”: Screen 14
  • “U.S.A.”: screen 14 for the United States.Tolerance of 1.5% of beans between screens 12 and 14

Our goal is always offer Excelso coffee on the range of 80 to 85 points with excellent attributes.

Click here to read more about Colombia's coffee.

ID# 7167

Origin Colombia
Farm Smallholders
Variety Caturra, Colombia, Castillo
Altitude 1400–1900 masl
Proc. Method Fully Washed
