KSU Item Reje Gayo - FLO ID 30812 - (CBC ID-BIO-149)

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This coffee comes to us courtesy of the KSU Item Reje Gayo co-op in central Aceh, Indonesia. Reje Gayo accounts for a number ofsmallholder farmers who are delivering cherry to their processing facility, most of whom have very little land that is also planted with avocado, orange, guava, banana, and even cinnamon. Once farmers deliver their cherries, the coffee is wet-pulped and dried for an average of three days. Reje Gayo's plans for the future include the distribution of organic fertilizers, provision of coffee shade plants such as avocado, basic construction training, and the provision of coffee seeds.

For more information on Sumatran coffee, visit our Sumatra origin page.

ID# 10059

Origin Sumatra
Region Nagro Aceh Darusalam
Farm Various smallholder famrers
Variety Various Catimor types
Altitude 1200–1600 masl
Proc. Method Semi-Washed
