Sereno (GrainPro)

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El Sereno is produced in Antigua. The coffee cherry is purchased by Unitrade, one of our export partners in Guatemala, and comprises coffee from various smallholders in the area. The wet-mill process is done at La Azoteamill, located in Antigua. The parchment coffee is then transported to Unitrade's Serben dry mill, located in Villa Canales, where the coffee is prepared and stored prior shipment.

Unitrade was started as a small exporting operation in 1989, with a team of ten people dedicated to finding and exporting the best coffees in Guatemala. After several years of growth, the company focuses on microregions and specialty coffee, and has developed a good reputation both in the local market and among international coffee buyers.

For more information about Unitrade,visit

ID# 7520

Origin Guatemala
Region Antigua
Farm Various smallholder farmers
Variety Bourbon, Caturra, Catuai, Typica
Altitude 1500–1650 masl
Proc. Method Fully Washed and Patio Dried
