A Look at Today’s Coffee Market

Uncertainty in the coffee market is a familiar territory, especially after the past few years of an inverted landscape. However, recent concerns over C-Market prices have sparked many questions and conversations among our team and customers. Arabica prices have rallied to the highest we have seen in just over two years, and we would like to provide some insight into what might be happening in the market. Read on to learn more about the current market from Cafe Imports’s position analyst Shannon Elder.

Meet The Coffee Rose

Last year, we announced the Coffee Rose after three years of designing, developing, and testing it extensively in our sensory labs. Since then, we’ve used The Rose to evaluate every single coffee sample brewed on our lab’s tables, fine-tuning its functionalities, and eager to release it to you.

The Cafe Imports Sensory Team recently released a public version of the Coffee Rose. This release is free to use, optimized for mobile, and easy to learn. It places the Cafe Imports’ coffee language and cupping methodology right in your hands. We hope you take The Coffee Rose and run with it – cup coffees, test its function and features, and then provide us with your invaluable feedback.

2023 Wrapped & Strapped is here

How many pounds of coffee total did you order in 2023? What was your top origin? How many unique coffees did you sample? Find out in your 2023 Wrapped & Strapped!