Cafe Imports ED+U

Coffee Variety Glossary

(Click to expand for information about a variety or cultivar’s origins and genetic makeup)


Abyssinia, Sumatra

Derivation: Ethiopian Landrace

Location of Origin: Ethiopia

Origin Story: Wild or native Arabica type discovered in SW Ethiopia, brought to Indonesia (Java) in 1928


Derivation: Mutation from Mundo Novo

Location of Origin: Brazil

Origin Story: Natural mutation of Mundo Novo (Bourbon x Typica cross)


Derivation: Ethiopian Landrace

Location of Origin: Ethiopia

Origin Story: Arabica type selected in 1953–1954 by FAO (U.N.’s Food and Agriculture Organization)

Anacafe 14

Derivation: Catimor x Pacamara

Location of Origin: Guatemala

Origin Story: Naturally occurring cross (1980) Chiquimula department; commercially released by ANACAFE (2014)

Andong Sari

Derivation: Variedad Colombia x Caturra x Timor Hybrid

Location of Origin: Indonesia

Origin Story: Dwarf hybrid released by the Indonesian Coffee and Cocoa Research Institute (ICCRI)

Barbuk Sudan

Derivation: Ethiopian Landrace

Location of Origin: Sudan; Ethiopia

Origin Story: Discovered in a 1942 collection on Boma Plateau, southeastern Sudan/Ethiopian highlands


Batian, Chania Estate, Kenya

Derivation: Ruiru 11 x SL-28, SL-34, Rume Sudan, N39, K7, SL4, Timor Hybrid

Location of Origin: Kenya

Origin Story: Kenyan Coffee Research Institute bred and released in 2010


Derivation: Ethiopian Landrace

Location of Origin: Ethiopia

Origin Story: Grows in western/southwestern Ethiopia


Derivation: Typica related

Location of Origin: Indonesia

Origin Story: Discovered in Bener Meriah, Aceh, Sumatra; named by the Dutch for “berg und dal,” or “mountain and valley”

Blue Mountain

Derivation: Typica related

Location of Origin: Jamaica

Origin Story: Clippings of Typica plant brought to Jamaica (1728–1730)


Pink Bourbon

Orange Bourbon, Finca Las Nubes

Yellow Bourbon

Red Bourbon, Finca Las Nubes, El Salvador

Derivation: Typica related

Location of Origin: Île Bourbon

Origin Story: Naturally occurring Typica mutation; selected from Ethiopian coffee cultivated in Yemen transplanted to Bourbon Island (now Réunion) in 18c


Derivation: Caturra x Ethiopian Landrace (ET41)

Location of Origin: Various

Origin Story: An F1 hybrid cross created in collaboration with CIRAD, PROMECAFE, and CATIE to increase genetic diversity


Castillo, Colombia

Derivation: F10 Variedad Colombia x Caturra

Location of Origin: Colombia, general

Origin Story: Developed by Cenicafe to replace the no-longer-leaf-rust-resistant Variedad Colombia; released 2005

Castillo El Rosario

Derivation: F10 Variedad Colombia x Caturra

Location of Origin: Antioquia, Colombia

Origin Story: The various Castillo hybrids were designed by Cenicafe to preserve regional distinctions

Castillo El Tambo

Derivation: F10 Variedad Colombia x Caturra

Location of Origin: Colombia, various

Origin Story: The various Castillo hybrids were designed by Cenicafe to preserve regional distinctions

Castillo La Trinidad

Derivation: F10 Variedad Colombia x Caturra

Location of Origin: Tolima, Colombia

Origin Story: The various Castillo hybrids were designed by Cenicafe to preserve regional distinctions

Castillo Naranjal

Derivation: F10 Variedad Colombia x Caturra

Location of Origin: Caldas, Colombia

Origin Story: The various Castillo hybrids were designed by Cenicafe to preserve regional distinctions

Castillo Paraguaicito

Derivation: F10 Variedad Colombia x Caturra

Location of Origin: Quindio, Colombia

Origin Story: The various Castillo hybrids were designed by Cenicafe to preserve regional distinctions

Castillo Pueblo Bello

Derivation: F10 Variedad Colombia x Caturra

Location of Origin: Cesar, Colombia

Origin Story: The various Castillo hybrids were designed by Cenicafe to preserve regional distinctions

Castillo Santa Barbara

Derivation: F10 Variedad Colombia x Caturra

Location of Origin: Cundinamarca, Colombia

Origin Story: The various Castillo hybrids were designed by Cenicafe to preserve regional distinctions


Derivation: Caturra x Timor Hybrid

Location of Origin: Portugal; Brazil

Origin Story: Bred by CIFC, Portugal (1959); tested in Angola and Brazil; released in Brazil (1970). “Catimor” also refers to a family of similar hybrids


Derivation: Catimor type (Caturra x Timor Hybrid)

Location of Origin: El Salvador

Origin Story: Cross of Caturra and Timor Hybrid developed by PROMECAFE/Instituto Salvadoreño de Investigaciones del Café (ISIC)


Catuai, Nicaragua

Derivation: Mundo Novo x Caturra

Location of Origin: Brazil

Origin Story: Cross of Caturra and Mundo Novo made by Instituto Agronômico de Campinas, Brazil; released in 1972



Derivation: Bourbon related

Location of Origin: Brazil

Origin Story: Naturally occurring dwarf Bourbon mutation discovered in Minas Gerais, Brazil (1915–1918) and later selected for cultivation (1937)


Derivation: Catimor type (Caturra x Timor Hybrid)

Location of Origin: India

Origin Story: Cross of Caturra and Timor Hybrid developed by Central Coffee Research Institute (2007)


Derivation: Sarchimor T5296 x Rume Sudan

Location of Origin: Various

Origin Story: Bred by CIRAD, PROMECAFE, CATIE for genetic diversity improvement in Central America; released in 2010


Derivation: Sarchimor type (Villa Sarchi x Timor Hybrid)

Location of Origin: India

Origin Story: Semi-dwarf hybrid of Villa Sarchi and Timor Hybrid (1975–1981) released as F3 by Central Coffee Research Institute (2007)


Derivation: Ethiopian Landrace

Location of Origin: Ethiopia

Origin Story: Selected by Pierre G. Sylvain on an FAO collection in 1955; introduced to India



Derivation: Catimor type (Caturra x Timor Hybrid)

Location of Origin: Colombia

Origin Story: Developed as a disease-resistant, productive hybrid by Cenicafe (1968–1982); released 1985. One of the earliest Catimors


Derivation: Sarchimor type (Villa Sarchi x Timor Hybrid)

Location of Origin: El Salvador

Origin Story: Pedigree selection of a Sarchimor (Villa Sarchi x Timor Hybrid) by Fundación Salvadoreña Para Investigaciones en Café (PROCAFE)


Dega, Ethiopia

Derivation: Ethiopian Landrace

Location of Origin: Ethiopia

Origin Story: This high-altitude landrace variety can be found in the Gedeo zone of Ethiopia


Derivation: Hybrid of C. Canephora x C. Arabica

Location of Origin: India

Origin Story: Possibly naturally occurring hybrid cross of C. Arabica and C. Canephora discovered in India in 1930


Derivation: Hybrid cross of Catimor type (Naryelis) x Ethiopian Landrace ET06

Location of Origin: Various

Origin Story: An F1 hybrid cross created in collaboration with CIRAD, PROMECAFE, and CATIE to increase genetic diversity (2010)

French Mission

French Mission, Chania Estate, Kenya

French Mission, Chania Estate, Kenya

Derivation: Bourbon related

Location of Origin: Kenya

Origin Story: Coffees transplanted to Kenya from Île Bourbon in late 19c by French missionaries the Holy Ghost Fathers (1895)



Derivation: Mundo Novo x Caturra

Location of Origin: Mexico

Origin Story: Cross of Mundo Novo and Caturra varieties by Instituto Mexicano del Café (1952)

Gesha (1931)

Derivation: Ethiopian Landrace

Location of Origin: Ethiopia; Tanzania

Origin Story: Landrace type collected by British (1936); sent to CATIE via Tanzania (1953); subsequently planted in Panama

Gesha (1956)

Derivation: Ethiopian Landrace

Location of Origin: Ethiopia; Malawi

Origin Story: Landrace variety brought to Malawi from CATIE (1956)


Derivation: Caturra x Ethiopian Landrace E531

Location of Origin: Various

Origin Story: An F1 hybrid cross created in collaboration with CIRAD, PROMECAFE, and CATIE to increase genetic diversity; is leaf-rust susceptible


Derivation: Typica related

Location of Origin: Democratic Republic of the Congo

Origin Story: Likely an Ethiopian variety transplanted to DRC; introduced to Rwanda (1956); commercially released (2003)


Derivation: Sarchimor type (Villa Sarchi x Timor Hybrid)

Location of Origin: Brazil

Origin Story: Pedigree selection made by Instituto Agronômico do Paraná, Brazil (1993)


Derivation: Catimor type (Caturra x Timor Hybrid)

Location of Origin: Costa Rica

Origin Story: Hybrid cross of Caturra and Timor Hybrid developed by Instituto del Café de Costa Rica (ICAFE); also known as Costa Rica 95


Derivation: Bourbon x C. Canephora

Location of Origin: Brazil

Origin Story: Hybrid cross of Bourbon with C. Canephora, backcrossed to Mundo Novo; developed by Instituto Agronômico de Campinas (1993)


Derivation: Catimor type (Caturra x Timor Hybrid)

Location of Origin: Honduras

Origin Story: Hybrid cross of Caturra with Timor Hybrid developed by the Instituto Hondureño del Café (IHCAFE)


Derivation: Bourbon related

Location of Origin: India

Origin Story: Rust-resistant type discovered by a farmer named Jackson in Mysore, India (early 20c); seedlings brought to Africa (1920s)


Derivation: Ethiopian Landrace related

Location of Origin: Ethiopia; Cameroon

Origin Story: Lineage from Ethiopian landrace; transplanted to Cameroon for selection in mid 20c; introduced to Costa Rica (1991)

Jember S795

Derivation: Kent x S288

Location of Origin: India; Indonesia

Origin Story: Cross of Typica-related Kent and a natural Arabica-Liberica hybrid; released in 1940s in India and Indonesia


K7, Chania Estate, Kenya

Derivation: Bourbon related

Location of Origin: Kenya

Origin Story: From a selection of French Mission (Bourbon type) coffees identified by Scott Labs (1936)


Derivation: Typica related

Location of Origin: India

Origin Story: Selection of Typica found on the Kent family estate in 1920


Derivation: Typica related

Location of Origin: Hawaii (U.S.A.)

Origin Story: Clippings of Typica plant from Guatemala brought to Hawaii by Kunigoro Yokoyama (1899)

KP 423

Derivation: Typica related

Location of Origin: India; Tanzania

Origin Story: Selection of Kent made in India; transplanted to Tanzania (1940s)


Kudhumi Kurume, Ethiopia

Derivation: Ethiopian Landrace

Location of Origin: Ethiopia

Origin Story: Smaller-size landrace variety found in Ethiopia

Laurina/Bourbon Pointu

Laurina, Finca Las Nubes, Colombia

Derivation: Bourbon related

Location of Origin: Île Bourbon

Origin Story: Dwarf Bourbon selected in 1940s on Île Bourbon; has a considerably lower caffeine content than most C. Arabica


Derivation: Catimor type (Caturra x Timor Hybrid)

Location of Origin: Honduras

Origin Story: Selection of pedigree made by Instituto Hondureño del Café (IHCAFE) in Honduras; genetically close to Costa Rica 95


Maracaturra, Nicaragua

Derivation: Maragogype x Caturra

Location of Origin: Brazil

Origin Story: Purported to be a naturally occurring cross of Maragogype and Caturra discovered in Brazil (19c)


Maragogype, Santuario Sul, BRazil

Derivation: Typica related

Location of Origin: Brazil

Origin Story: Naturally occuring Typica mutation discovered in Brazil (1870); has large leaves, fruit, seeds, and internodes


Marsellesa, Mexico

Derivation: Sarchimor type (Villa Sarchi x Timor Hybrid)

Location of Origin: Nicaragua

Origin Story: A hybrid cross between Villa Sarchi and Timor Hybrid selected for pedigree by ECOM-CIRAD in Nicaragua


Derivation: Bourbon related

Location of Origin: Puerto Rico

Origin Story: Selected from USDA collection in Puerto Rico; introduced to Democratic Republic of the Congo (1930s) and Rwanda (1950s)


Derivation: Typica and/or Bourbon related

Location of Origin: Guatemala; Rwanda

Origin Story: Introduced from Guatemala to Rwanda (1910s); distributed to Mibirizi in western Rwanda (1920s). Possible Typica-Bourbon cross


Derivation: Sarchimor x Rume Sudan

Location of Origin: Various

Origin Story: An F1 hybrid cross created in collaboration with CIRAD, PROMECAFE, and CATIE to increase genetic diversity


Derivation: Ethiopian Landrace

Location of Origin: Ethiopia

Origin Story: Medium-size landrace variety found in Guji


Derivation: Bourbon related

Location of Origin: Yemen; Brazil; Hawaii

Origin Story: A naturally occurring dwarf mutation of Bourbon related to Yemen accession; introduced to Hawaii from Brazil (1950s–1960s)

Mundo Novo

Derivation: Typica x Bourbon

Location of Origin: Brazil

Origin Story: Naturally occurring cross of Typica and Bourbon discovered in Brazil (1943)

Mundo Maya

Derivation: Sarchimor x Ethiopian Landrace ET01

Location of Origin: Nicaragua

Origin Story: An F1 hybrid selection released by ECOM-CIRAD in Nicaragua in attempt to increase genetic diversity


Derivation: Hybrid cross of Catimor type (Naryelis) x Ethiopian Landrace ET26

Location of Origin: Nicaragua

Origin Story: An F1 hybrid selection released by ECOM-CIRAD in Nicaragua in attempt to increase genetic diversity


Derivation: Typica related

Location of Origin: Jamaica; Malawi

Origin Story: Typica selection introduced to Malawi (fka Nyasaland) from Jamaica (1878); transplanted to Uganda (1910)

Obata Rojo

Obata, Nicaragua

Derivation: Sarchimor type (Villa Sarchi x Timor Hybrid)

Location of Origin: Brazil

Origin Story: Pedigree selection made by Instituto Agronômico de Campinas (IAC); released 2000

Oro Azteca

Derivation: Catimor type (Caturra x Timor Hybrid)

Location of Origin: Mexico

Origin Story: Pedigree selection made by Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Forestales, Agrícolas, y Pecuarias (INIFAP) (1996–1997)


Derivation: Pacas x Maragogype

Location of Origin: El Salvador

Origin Story: Cross between Pacas (dwarf Bourbon type) and Maragogype (Typica family); Salvadoran Institute of Coffee Research (ISIC)


Pacas, El Salvador

Derivation: Bourbon related

Location of Origin: El Salvador

Origin Story: Naturally occurring dwarf Bourbon mutation discovered in El Salvador (1949)


Pache, Huehuetenango, Guatemala

Derivation: Typica related

Location of Origin: Guatemala

Origin Story: Natural occurring dwarf mutation of Bourbon discovered on a single farm in Guatemala (1949)

Pache Colis

Derivation: Caturra x Pache

Location of Origin: Guatemala

Origin Story: Cross of Caturra and Pache


Derivation: Sarchimor type (Villa Sarchi x Timor Hybrid)

Location of Origin: Honduras

Origin Story: Pedigree selection of a Sarchimor type made by Instituto Hondureño del Café


Derivation: Typica related (Jamaica Blue Mountain derivative)

Location of Origin: Rwanda

Origin Story: Selected on a single farm in western Rwanda (1972) that was purportedly planted with Blue Mountain Typica–type trees


Derivation: Hybrid cross of Kent and C. Canephora type S.274

Location of Origin: India; Rwanda

Origin Story: Selection of Indian Sln.6, a hybrid cross of Kent and S.274 (C. Canephora); transplanted to Rwanda (2015)


Derivation: Ethiopian Landrace

Location of Origin: Ethiopia; Indonesia

Origin Story: One of several Ethiopian landrace varieties transplanted to Indonesia (1928)


Derivation: Hybrid cross of Typica and Catimor

Location of Origin: Indonesia

Origin Story: Small-size hybrid cross of Typica with a Catimor


Robusta, Ecuador

Robusta, Ecuador

Derivation: Variety of C. Canephora

Location of Origin: Western Africa, various

Origin Story: Common variety of C. Canephora

Ruiru 11

Ruiru 11, Chania Estate, Kenya

Derivation: Complex hybrid cross

Location of Origin: Kenya

Origin Story: Hybrid cross of types including N39, SL-28, SL-34, Bourbon, Rume Sudan, Timor Hybrid, and more (1985)

Rume Sudan

Rume Sudan, Las Nubes, Colombia

Rume Sudan, Las Nubes, Colombia

Derivation: Ethiopian Landrace

Location of Origin: Ethiopia

Origin Story: Discovered in a 1942 collection on Boma Plateau, southeastern Sudan/Ethiopian highlands


Derivation: Naturally occurring hybrid of C. Arabica x C. Liberica

Location of Origin: India

Origin Story: Selection made by Central Coffee Research Institute (1937)

Sarchimor (T5296)

Sarchimor, Aguilera Brothers, Costa Rica

Derivation: Villa Sarchi x Timor Hybrid

Location of Origin: Costa Rica

Origin Story: Developed by Centro Agronómico Tropical de Investigación y Enseñanza (CATIE) (1960s)


Derivation: Ethiopian Landrace

Location of Origin: Ethiopia

Origin Story: Small-size landrace variety found in Guji and Borena

Selection 4/Sln.4

Derivation: Agaro x Tafari Kela x Cioccie

Location of Origin: India

Origin Story: A cross developed by Central Coffee Research Institute (1960s)

Selection 6/Sln.6

Derivation: Hybrid cross of Kent x C. Canephora

Location of Origin: India

Origin Story: An interspecific hybrid cross developed by Central Coffee Research Institute (1970s)

Selection 7.3/Sln.7.3

Derivation: Hybrid cross of San Ramon x S.795 x Agaro x Timor Hybrid

Location of Origin: India

Origin Story: A hybrid cross developed by Central Coffee Research Institute (1970s)

Selection 9/Sln.9/S.2790

Derivation: Hybrid cross of Tafari Kela x Timor Hybrid

Location of Origin: India

Origin Story: A hybrid cross developed by Central Coffee Research Institute (1970s)

Selection 10/Sln.10

Derivation: Hybrid cross of (Caturra x Cioccie) x (Caturra x S.795)

Location of Origin: India

Origin Story: A cross developed by Central Coffee Research Institute


Derivation: Bourbon related

Location of Origin: Brazil

Origin Story: A Bourbon mutation with multiple flowering seasons (1934)


Derivation: Typica related

Location of Origin: Indonesia

Origin Story: A Typica mutation found in North Sumatra


Derivation: Typica- and Bourbon-related

Location of Origin: Ecuador

Origin Story: A cross-breed of Red Bourbon and Typica


SL-14, Chania Estate, Kenya

Derivation: Typica related

Location of Origin: Kenya

Origin Story: Selected by Scott Laboratories (1936) from a single Drought Resistant II tree


SL-28, Santuario Sul, Brazil

Derivation: Bourbon related

Location of Origin: Kenya

Origin Story: Selected by Scott Laboratories (1935–1939) from a line of Tanganyika Drought Resistant I trees; possible heritage to Yemen


Derivation: Typica related

Location of Origin: Kenya

Origin Story: Selected by Scott Laboratories (1935–1939) from a tree on a single farm in Kabete


Derivation: Ethiopian Landrace x Marsellesa

Location of Origin: Nicaragua

Origin Story: An F1 hybrid cross created by CIRAD-ECOM from a male-sterile C. Arabica plant with a Sarchimor type (2001)


Derivation: Catimor type (Caturra x Timor Hybrid)

Location of Origin: Various

Origin Story: Collaboratively developed hybrid cross of Caturra and Timor Hybrid by PROMECAFE in Central America (1980s)

Tafari Kela

Derivation: Ethiopian Landrace

Location of Origin: Ethiopia

Origin Story: Ethiopian landrace variety collected from Mizan Tafari (1953)

Tanganyika D.R. I

Derivation: Bourbon related

Location of Origin: Tanzania

Origin Story: D.R.: “Drought Resistant.” Bourbon-related variety selected in Tanzania for its tolerance to drought (1931)


Derivation: Bourbon related

Location of Origin: El Salvador

Origin Story: Bourbon mutation selected by the Instituto Salvadoreño de Investigaciones del Café (ISIC) (1949); released after mass selection (1977)

Timor Hybrid

Timor Hybrid, Sumatra

Timor Hybrid, Sumatra

Derivation: Interspecific hybrid of C. Arabica x C. Canephora

Location of Origin: Timor

Origin Story: Naturally occurring interspecific hybrid of C. Arabica and C. Canephora discovered on Timor in 1920


Derivation: Sarchimor type (Villa Sarchi x Catimor)

Location of Origin: Brazil

Origin Story: Commercially developed hybrid cross of Villa Sarchi and a Catimor type


Typica, Hacienda La Papaya, Ecuador

Derivation: Derivative of Yemeni cultivar transplanted from Ethiopia

Location of Origin: Java via Yemen

Origin Story: C. Arabica root variety; mutation of one or more selections from Ethiopia in Yemen; brought to Java by the Dutch (17c)


Derivation: Ethiopian Landrace

Location of Origin: Ethiopia; Indonesia

Origin Story: Selected from a collection of varieties by Jean Lejeune (1955); transplanted to Indonesia


Derivation: Bourbon related

Location of Origin: Costa Rica

Origin Story: Naturally occurring Bourbon mutation; pedigree selection made by Institituto del Café de Costa Rica (ICAFE)


Derivation: Typica related

Location of Origin: Costa Rica

Origin Story: Naturally occurring dwarf Typica mutation

Villa Sarchi

Villa Sarchi, Cerro San Luis, Costa Rica

Derivation: Bourbon related

Location of Origin: Costa Rica

Origin Story: Naturally occurring dwarf Bourbon mutation discovered in Sarchi, Costa Rica (1950–60s)


Wolisho Walichu, Ethiopia

Wolisho Walichu, Ethiopia

Derivation: Ethiopian Landrace

Location of Origin: Ethiopia

Origin Story: A well-known landrace variety with tall canopy and large fruit, commonly found in the Gedeo zone