Gacokwe - # 1432 Fully Washed (GrainPro)

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The Gacokwe Washing Station is located in the town of Rango, in the Kayanza Province of Burundi.

On average there are 2000 coffee producers contributing to Gacokwe, 565 of which contribute directly to the station, and 1435 of which contribute to six different collection points.

Other crops in the area include: Banana, beans, sweet potatoes, cassava, and taro.

Deep in the heart of Africa is the tiny country of Burundi, and deep in Burundi is Café Imports. We have been trekking to this tiny country south of Rwanda on Lake Tanganyika since 2006 over the course of multiple trips and a total of 3 months on-the-ground time. We have really enjoyed passing along our findings and experience; time and energy well spent. Since 2006 we’ve cupped coffees from more than 50 washing stations and narrowed down our favorites, choosing to further our relationships and efforts respectively.

Our Kayanza, Burundi offerings are part of a Café Imports project where a quality premium is paid above the normal "market rate," and this premium is paid directly back to the farmers. Burundi is just south of Rwanda but miles and miles away in the cup. The two countries share much: the same tribes, the same coffee varieties, and a similar history, but the cups are not even related. This is a case of terroir.

Coffee in Burundi is a logistics challenge—even for the best of us. It is a particularly poor country, tied with Congo for the lowest GDP in Africa. The tiny landlocked nation also shares the same tribal conflicts that Rwanda has experienced; unlike in Rwanda, however, they’ve never been reconciled. In spite of all this, our work and investment on the ground over the years has allowed us to consistently get the coffees we are proud of and that many of you have grown to love.

For more information about coffee production in Burundi, visit our Burundi origin page.

ID# 9785

Origin Burundi
Region Rango, Kayanza
Farm Gacokwe Washing Station Cooperative
Variety Bourbon, Jackson, Mibirzi (all Bourbon derivatives)
Altitude 1650 masl
Proc. Method Fully Washed
